Ministry opportunities


One way that we can minister to those who support us is by prayer. Please keep us informed of your prayer requests so that we can pray for you.


We would like to share with you how God saved us and brought us to the decision of going into full-time ministry. We hope this will encourage others to follow God’s leading in their life.


Through a powerpoint presentation, we will inform you about Italy and its spiritual needs. We will outline what our ministry is all about in Imola, Italy.



Oral Presentation of the Ministry

In small or large contexts Joshua would present the ministry that God has called us to do in Italy.

Special Activities

Sara would be very glad to prepare an authentic Italian meal for a small group setting. This meal can serve as an introduction to the Italian customs. This time can serve as the opening for a discussion on Italy and its spiritual needs.
- Sara and Joshua can offer a practical lesson in Italian cooking for all who are ready to learn how to make real Italian food.